We are pleased to announce that Our Oregon, a coalition of Oregon’s equal rights, labor and conservation groups, has just rolled out Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide. Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide is an innovative mobile app that was built by one of our Cicero clients, Winning Mark, a national political media firm based in Portland, Oregon. Winning Mark built the app using technology by Urban Airship and the geocoded elected official data from our Cicero API to match the latitude and longitude of the mobile device to legislative and other local districts.
The app uses the Cicero API geocoding technology to precisely target a voter’s location, allowing the app to deliver election information relevant to each user. Users can enter an address or allow the app to use their device’s location services to get their local ballot measure information.
Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide is available for download at: http://bit.ly/OURapp
The elections are around the corner. How can we assist your organization with your political advocacy efforts? Talk to Maya Gutierrez, our Product Manager, Elections and Politics about how Cicero might make your job more efficient.