Do You Want to Help With Our Secret NASA Research Project?

Do You Want to Help With Our Secret NASA Research Project?

In our last newsletter, we wrote about a research grant we had received from NASA to develop ModelLab, a prototype for a new data processing service.  Well, we’ve got a rough prototype done, and we need your help.  Well, not everyone.  But a few guinea pigs people.  If you have the following attributes, we’d like to invite you to our office to help us test the prototype:

  • Live in or near the Philadelphia area (or want to trek here from New York or Boston or similar northern suburb)
  • Can participate in a testing session on Thurs, Dec 10 or Fri, Dec 11 (AM and/or PM)
  • Have some experience working with aerial/satellite imagery or other raster data
  • You have at least heard of Map Algebra and can grok what it’s for

Yeah… That last one might limit the pool of candidates a bit.  Still, if you are interested, we’re looking for a half-dozen or so volunteers to test an early version of the software.  If you’d like to participate, please let us know.
