Recorded Webinar: How to Conquer Post-Election Data Chaos with the Cicero API

Recorded Webinar: How to Conquer Post-Election Data Chaos with the Cicero API

On Friday, December 14, we hosted “How to Conquer your Post-Election Data Chaos with Cicero,”  a webinar that examined five “data chaos factors” that nonprofits and political advocacy groups are facing in these intermediate few weeks both after the 2012 elections in the US and before the newly-elected officials and new legislative sessions start in January of next year. With Azavea’s political background, and as we were updating the database behind Cicero with the more than 8,000 official records that changed on November 6th, we noticed accelerating trends and saw common pain points many nonprofits are facing just after an election in a redistricting year like 2012. The Cicero API and other techniques and technologies we know like spatial analysis, event registration, and social media can be powerful when applied to nonprofit advocacy work during this chaotic time.

A recording of the webinar is available below. I’ve also posted the recording on YouTube and made the slides available via SlideShare. If you have any questions about the webinar or Cicero, please feel free to email me at

We’re hoping to hold more webinars and screencasts on Cicero and our other political advocacy services like spatial analysis in 2013! Let me know if you have an advocacy technology issue you think would make a good webinar, or if you’ve tried to use Cicero in the past and would like some screencasts or other tutorials about how to do things with the API. As Azavea’s Community Evangelist, I try hard to be a helpful resource and advocate for any users of the API and always love to hear about websites or apps you’ve built with Cicero or ideas you have. Please, shoot me an email or send me a tweet at @andrewbt!